Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Influential texts

Here are three media texts that I think will influence some interesting audience feedback. They relate with the song that I have chosen, in terms of image and genre. Hopefully I will be able to establish some audience feed back as to whether my ideas for my music video will match audience expectations of the genre.

1) What genre of music do you imagine when you look at this band photo?
2) What mood is created when you look at this image?
3)  Do you think the image of this band is something that would influence you to listen to their music?

Alt-J photographed here as a band, with their signature 'triangle' logo on  display.

Alt-J-Tessellate; Official track. 

For my second piece of inspiration, I am simply using the song. This is because it has a very interesting sound, that should easily conjure up images in people's heads as to what the song makes them think of.

1) What mood does this song put you in, what does it make you feel?
2) What images pop into your head when you hear this song.
3) What genre would you class this song as been?
4) What about this song do you like and dislike?
5) Would you imagine this song to have a abstract, performance of narrative music video with it?

Crystal Castles-Courtship Dating; Official music Video.

For my third inspirational text, I wanted to use a music video that classes as the same type of genre as my chosen song. I think this would be a good idea because music of the same type of genre normally have stylistic video's that match the genre. This video is something that I find keeps me interested and in very typical of the indie/alternative genre. Although it may also include a punk/rock element to it, which would be interesting to see if it would make people think of my chosen song and how I could incorporate this into my own video.

1) Do you find this video interesting to watch?
2) When watching this video do you feel that it matches the style of the song?
3) Do you like the effects that have been used in this music video?
4) What do you like most/least about this video?
5) Could you imagine the effects/editing, been used as an inspiration for my chosen Alt-J song?

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