Monday, 26 November 2012

Change of protagonist.

After two let downs from Elliot, we decided to change the person who would be playing our lead protagonist. We'll now be using Sam. Which i think over all is probable a better idea anyway. As he is a good friend, and we know that he is also reliable. He's also part of a band himself, and can actually sing. Hopefully this will help as he can sing along to the track, and help to make the timings of matching video and audio together without it looking fake.

We quickly organised filming with Sam in order to fill the gaps that we had missing and make it able for us to be able to start editing. Hopefully this will also help us with getting the continuity correct.

Here are some photo's of our first session filming with Sam.


Sunday, 25 November 2012

Filming 2. Sunday 25th November.

After last weeks failure to film, We have decided to crack on with the parts of the video that do not require Elliots precence untill we can decide how to continue.
Using the studio type set up in my room we filmed with Sami and Fran the other charecters invloved in the love triangle within our video.
Hopefully we will come to a decision soon and be able to quickly prgroess with filming, and start the editing of our video.

This largely rellies on Elliot's injury and availabilty to shoot for the video. The concern of continuity still bothers me, so Me and Connor are deciding whether the simply try and replace him, and use a different person to play the protagonist.

Filming will go ahead will only Sami and Fran for now however!
Below are some of out shots of filming.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Film Day One-Problems.

Sunday 18th November. 

This was supposed to be our first day of filming, however waking up excited I was greeted by a message telling me that the main protagonist in our video had an accident on Saturday night and had broken his wrist. Therefore, filming to not possible on Sunday as he was at the hospital.
We've also had to fully re-evaluate whether we can even use Elliot in the video any longer, as the plaster may create errors in the continuity of the film, if shots have to be re-done or changed. We also have to possibly consider the limitations that a plaster might bring along with it. Such as a scene in the video which involves Elliot throwing/smashing a bottle with high amounts of force! The fact he has a broken wrist, could make this not possible, or at-least to the standard we want it to be.

In the end we have decided to still use Elliot in the video, as lots of the shots we have do not include the use of his broken wrist, and it is something that can easily be over looked/hidden in editing.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Details of Production.


In our music video we plan to use several different locations. Some easier to get to then others.

Location one - in a studio type setting.
Because the main protagonist in our music video does not attend the same college as us, it isn't possible to use the studio space at college to film him. So improvising we will use the large blank wall in my bedroom, and several spot lights to make sure the lighting is just as good, and the same effect is created as if we had used the studio.

Location two, Beverley Westwood-
We have decided to shoot some of our scenes here because it is easily accesible, and offers the the open spaces we need to film our outdoor scenes.

Location three, Derelict building on Grovehill road Beverley-
This space offered the effect we wanted, whilst still been a safe place the film. The stucture of the building in not dengerous, but it still has the appeal of an abandonned building which we we're looking for.

Location four, Swinemoor feild-
This is a location that we won't be using for much of our video, maybe only a few shots. However it is somewere close buy that we can easily get to when Carrying lots of equipment.

Preperation for filming- Checklist.

Camera + Tripod.
Strobe light
Flowers (bunch) + Petals.
Fake Blood (or substitute)
Glass Bottle
Bottle of paint
Costume- when considering costume, we have thought carefully about the colours along with style. As colour is invloved as part of our narrative.

Elliot- The colour blue will be involved in his outfit, as this is a colour that represents he sadness, and melencholy attitude. Which relates to our narrative and a line of lyrics in the song.

Fran- Fran is required to wear red, this is because the colour represents passion and desire, again relative to the narrative; the protagonists feeling towords her. These feeling are conveyed throughout the music video.

Sami- Sami will be wearing green, this colour represents envy of the protagonist and his past love with Fran. However green can also represent newness, in terms of the romance between Fran and Sami, which is new and just beggining.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


"Tessellation is the process of creating a two-dimensional plane using the repetition of a geometric shape with no overlaps and no gaps."

All of the above are examples of tessellation. 

Final Track Choice.

This is the final track we have chosen, that is a briefly extended from the version that the band uses in there own video. We decided to use this version, because it gives opportunity for use to introduce the narrative of our video before the lyrics started.


I have recently decided to work in a partnership. I took this decision because I have been close friends with Connor for a long time, and I think we will be able to make a superb job of the music video! We share all the same interests, and often take influence from each other in the music we listen to. This means that we will be able to develop something that is a lot more creative, and by discussing and debating shots it has resulted in something with more diversity than either of us would have created alone.

We have decided to stick with my choice of track, as its a song we both enjoy listening to, and feel we can really do justice to. During story boarding we have listened to the track lots and still haven't become bored of it. Also the fact that we both loved the band previous to our decision to use it, means that we have already invested in listening and thought about the lyrics in depth. This will help in transferring them into the video.

I am looking forward to getting on with the video.



Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Video comparisons.

Second/Final Edit

First Video Edit.

Location Listing.

Pond - Wyke College - Wilson
Car Park - Wyke College - In front of Oak
Window - Wyke College - Ash
Fence&Bush - Wyke College - Ash exit
Tims room - Wyke College - Window
Bike - Wyke College - Ash exit/GSR
Car - Bricknell Area

Story Boarding.

Lucy Rose- Middle of the bed. 

Deconstruction+Reconstruction of a media text.

For an introductory task into music video editing, We were given the project of joining together in groups and replicating 30 seconds of an already made music video of our own choice.

Song Choice- Lucy Rose; Middle of the Bed.
We chose this song because we thought the video would be interesting to replicate, and something that would be challenging.

Group -
Charlotte, Mark, Dave and me Kate.

Cast; Charlotte.
Editing; Mark, Dave, Me, Charlotte.

Producer; Harriet.
Director; Dave.
Camera Operator; Mark, Harriet, Me.

We decided to try and divide all of the roles up as fairly as possible, so that we all had the chance to experience the broadest amount of roles. Hoping this would help when making our own music video.

Our Song Choice.

We decided not to start replicating the video from the beginning  but from the second second mark. Because this was when the video becomes the most interesting, and the montage editing begins.

Friday, 19 October 2012

More influences.

I love this video by Radio head. The teqhniques used are something that could be re-created, using split screening and slow motion. I perticurarly like the effect used at 0.56, this is very effective and something that could be re-created using the teqhnique of cross fading shots. However I don't think the use of back and white would be suitable for my video.

In this video I love the use of images to create a mood, this is something that I want to create in my video. As i'm hoping to use a more abstract style, creating images that suite the mood of the song would be good.

Although my video will not have a large performance element to it, I think the use of actors who suite the genre of music are very important. These are some influential photo's.

The song I have chosen is called 'tesselation' I looked up the meaning of this, and it is a repeating pattern with no gaps in it.


Monday, 1 October 2012

Codes and conventions of music video's.

Music video's are a combination of audio and video, they are made to promote and accompany and audio track that an artist has made. They are designed uniquily to the video in order to compliment it, and give the video a different aspect. This can help keep fan's interested and also attract a new audience.

There are different styles of music video's that can be used for all genre's.

Performance- These video's involve the artist, or a hired actor performing to camera. It does not have to include a story line, and often just acts as a demonstration of how the band is set up, or what feel the artist would like the band to have. These are often modeled on live performances.

Narrative- Can be the the artist, or a hired actor. But involves the use of a story line to accompany the video, or story line. This can be in keeping with the meaning behind the lyrics to the song, or a completely unrelated story line that will compliment the sound/genre of the music rather then the meaning of lyrics.
 (This video could also class as a Cameo video, as The artist Ed Sheeran features as part of the narrative, but does not perform or speak.)

Abstract-  These video's often involve fast montage editing, and contain images and clips of video that are completely unrelated to the lyrics of the song. These video's can often feel slightly surreal, and have a larger feel of freedom to them. These video's often suite artists that are trying to portray an image of laid back 'coolness'.
Animation- Could be a narrative animation, or abstract. But there are no human actors and is normally done by computer animation, however they can also be done by methods such as stop motion.

Editing and sound.

The editing element of a music video, is one of the most essential parts. It can make or break a video. In terms of matching lip syncing to the track, and cutting shots to the beat of a song.
- Jump cutting
- fading shots
- Montage editing
- Split screens
- diejetic/none diejetic sound.

Mise en Scene. 

This includes props, clothing/costume and location.
Costume, setting and props can have an over whelming effect on a music video. It can effect the mood, the 'stylistic' element of a video and how it is perceived by the audience.
Outfits can be used to represent the personality of the performer, or the feeling the want to convey to the audience. This also applies for location and props.


The style of the music video, always ties in with the type of camera work that is used.
Hand held camera work is something that is often used in less structured, alternative video's. Other examples of camera shots are;
- Establishing shot
- Low angle
- High angle
- Extreme close up
- Pan/Tilt.

All of these codes and conventions come together in a music video to create support for the genre of music, and the type of video.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Influential texts

Here are three media texts that I think will influence some interesting audience feedback. They relate with the song that I have chosen, in terms of image and genre. Hopefully I will be able to establish some audience feed back as to whether my ideas for my music video will match audience expectations of the genre.

1) What genre of music do you imagine when you look at this band photo?
2) What mood is created when you look at this image?
3)  Do you think the image of this band is something that would influence you to listen to their music?

Alt-J photographed here as a band, with their signature 'triangle' logo on  display.

Alt-J-Tessellate; Official track. 

For my second piece of inspiration, I am simply using the song. This is because it has a very interesting sound, that should easily conjure up images in people's heads as to what the song makes them think of.

1) What mood does this song put you in, what does it make you feel?
2) What images pop into your head when you hear this song.
3) What genre would you class this song as been?
4) What about this song do you like and dislike?
5) Would you imagine this song to have a abstract, performance of narrative music video with it?

Crystal Castles-Courtship Dating; Official music Video.

For my third inspirational text, I wanted to use a music video that classes as the same type of genre as my chosen song. I think this would be a good idea because music of the same type of genre normally have stylistic video's that match the genre. This video is something that I find keeps me interested and in very typical of the indie/alternative genre. Although it may also include a punk/rock element to it, which would be interesting to see if it would make people think of my chosen song and how I could incorporate this into my own video.

1) Do you find this video interesting to watch?
2) When watching this video do you feel that it matches the style of the song?
3) Do you like the effects that have been used in this music video?
4) What do you like most/least about this video?
5) Could you imagine the effects/editing, been used as an inspiration for my chosen Alt-J song?

Monday, 18 June 2012

As-A2 Media Transition.

-Work in a group of 3/4 people to plan and produce two short sequences:
- 1 short film sequence of continuity editing.
- 1 sequence of montage editing to music.
 (Duration of both sequences : 30 second min, 1 min max each, two minutes in total.)

-Set up my individual A2 coursework blog and choose your course work brief.
-Gather evidence, research into the conventions of your chosen breif.
-Give a short group presentation in which I show my finished sequences, and each present an over view of the research into your chosen brief for your A2 coursework portfolio.